Inclusive / Adapted Paddleboarding Equipment Information
COVE Custom seat

Equipment Description
The COVE is custom built around the needs of the Paddler. This ensures that the seat provides a balance between comfort, control and support. The height, width, depth and adjustability can all be modified. In addition knee/leg/feet support can be incorporated.
Key Features
- Ergonomically designed for comfort and positive paddling position
- Connects to any paddle board with a centrally located handle
- Can be connected and disconnected within seconds
- Enables the user to see all of their body, unlike in a kayak
- Adjustments can be made to the height and width of the seat
STACK Kneeling Support

Equipment Description
- This fully adjustable equipment enables the Paddler to sit in a comfortable positive Paddling position. It redistributes weight into the STACK, significantly reducing the compression of the knee joint, providing support for the shin and creating a neutral ankle position.
- The Paddler can kneel or sit on the STACK making the transition from kneeling to standing much easier. This range of different Paddling positions enables Paddling for longer and in more comfort.
Key Features
- Ergonomically designed for comfort and positive paddling position
- connects to any paddle board with a centrally located handle.
- Doesn’t require any D rings to secure it in place
- Can be connected and disconnected in seconds
- Each section can be moved forwards and backwards
- The stack is height adjustable
- It can be used in a variety of different ways
Bean Bag
Equipment Description
The Bean Bag is made of waterproof fabric and filled with polysterene balls.
Key Features
- The bean bag is not attacehd to the board
- It is mouldable to the paddlers body
- the paddler can